How to Delete Apartment List Account Step by Step 2022

How to Delete Apartment List Account Step by Step 2022


Are you looking for a way to delete or cancel your apartment list account? Then you have come to the right place, we have structured a step by step guide for your assistance while considering your needs. Before we walk you through the whole process let us know, if you wish to delete your account due spam emails then mark them to be moved to spam folder.

But if that is not the case and you wish to delete your account for some other reason than continue to read through the given instructions.

How to Delete Apartment List Account?

Following steps will help you get rid of your apartment list account very easily.

1. Visit: feedback

2. It will direct you to the form page:

3. Then scroll down to find the option of ‘Delete my Account:

4. Scroll down further to enter your name and email address:

5. Click on ‘Submit’ and leave your email address that will delete your account:

6. Follow through the link to delete your account immediately:

How to Delete Apartment List’s Account through Email?

You can delete your apartment list’s account by emailing to the customer service directly.

1. Log in to your email account:

2. Write ‘Request to Delete Account’ in the subject line:

3. Compose a structured email stating your issue with the account and your reason to delete it:

4. Then ask the customer service to delete your personal information from their database along with your account:

5. Visit: Send the email out to this email ‘' address


For your ease we have planned out a step to step guide that will dictate you how to delete your apartment list account through one way or another. We have stated all of the information that might to needed to complete in this article, but if you need more details then feel free to read our FAQS and leave a comment down below.

About the Company

Founded by Chris Erickson and John Kobs Apartment List is a company that provides renters and landlords with apartment and marketplace listings. The company launched in 2013 after the founders had a bad experience with properties. Since then the company has partnered with Facebook Marketplace, Homes. Com, and to raise approximately 23 million dollars lead by their major investor Matrix Partners.


1. How to delete my apartment account?

Go to ‘Edit Account’ to find the option of ‘Deactivate your account.’ Click on it and follow through the given instruction.

2. Is Apartment list free?

Yes, it is initially if you are viewing the list but you will have a pay the fee later.

3. How to delete a review on apartment list?

You can remove the review by selection it on the website and calling at 888- 658-7368 and ask them to take it down.

4. How to stop apartment list emails?

If you don’t want to receive to apartment list emails then contact the customer service at to let them know about your issue.

5. How to cancel apartment account?

On the apartment list feedback page, scroll down to find the ‘Delete my Account’ option then write in your name and email address to finish the process.

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