How to Delete Meetup Account Step by Step 2022

How to Delete Meetup Account Step by Step 2022


Set up in 2002 by a New Yorker named Scott Heiferman to find a way of meeting and connecting with his neighbours after 9/11. The thought of moving away from the community and culture influenced him to invest in virtual group meetings and events.

In 2017 WeWork brought the company for 156 million dollars and marketed it publicly for 143,000 users to join in. It became a common platform for political campaigns. The company's cost reduction pushed many of its frequent user to leave the platform, which resulted in the meetup auctioned away to AlleyCorp for a substantial loss.

Meet up now has 35 million users from around 180 countries and thirty plus category with 18,000 tags with group themes.

How to Delete Meetup Account?

Need some help to delete the meetup account? As you found a better alternative than a meetup. Here's how to delete a meetup account.

1. Sign in to your account, if not already.

sign in to your account if not already

2. Go to your profile.

go to your profile

3. Click on ‘Setting.’

click on setting

4. After clicking on the setting, scroll down to find the option of deactivating your account.

after clicking on the setting scroll down to find the option of deactivating your account

5. Tap on 'Deactivate Your Account,' which will take you to the deactivation page, where you will be, asked to enter your password.

top on deactivate your account which will take you to the deactivation page where you will be asked to enter your password

6. If you don't remember your password, click on 'Forget Password', which will ask you to enter your email account and reset your password through a link in the email.

If you don't remember your password click on 'Forget Password which will ask you to enter your email account and reset your password through a link in the email

7. After resetting your password, you can go back to the account deactivation page and enter your password to deactivate your account. You will receive an email to confirm your actions and delete your account.

How to Delete Meetup Mobile Account?

To delete your meetup account on your mobile, follow the steps mentioned above.

- Log in to your account.

- Click on your ‘Profile.’

- Tap on the ‘Setting.’

- Scroll down to ‘Deactivate Your Account.’

- Click on the deactivation account, and it will take you to the deactivate page.

- Then enter your email address, and confirm it by clicking on the link in the email address.


1. How do I delete my past event?

As a user, you don't have the option to delete any event created by a third party. So you will have to contact the customer service and state your issue to them in an email.

2. How to contact meetup?

Scroll down on the website at the bottom to find the 'Get Help' option, click on and fill the form according to your complaint.

3. How to join a group on meetup?

On the homepage of the meetup, you can find several pages to join. All you have to do is request to join in or fill in some questions to be a part of the page.

4. How to quit a group?

Go to the groups you want to leave. Click on the drop-down menu to select the group, then Tap on 'Leave.'

5. How to change my profile information?

Go to your profile, and click on ‘Settings.’

Then go and edit the information by clicking on the 'Edit' button.

6. How to change my interest?

In the profile under the settings, scroll down to 'Your Interests.' Then add what you want to and substrate what doesn't interest you anymore.





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