How to find deleted Facebook Profiles

How to find deleted Facebook Profiles

  How to find deleted Facebook Profiles

The first question is can we find deleted profiles? Yes, we can view deleted Facebook profiles. Facebook always keeps a copy of the profile on its link. When a profile is deleted, although its public view is restricted yet the profile still exists, and it can be accessed by anyone who now the ways to access it.

Now the question arises how? Let’s explore the steps to find deleted Profiles.

  • Navigate to different search engines i.e. Google, Yahoo, and Bing.
  • Type the profile name of your deleted profile and Enter.
  • Then see what it shows and click on View Cached Page, this page provides a preview, a snapshot of the Web page appearance, and the way the profile looks before it was deleted.
  • Additionally, if you have deleted your profile in recent days, you can retrieve its cached version easily in no time.

Key Takeaways:

  • If Facebook has disabled your profile, you cannot access it.
  • Your delete options can convey whether you can recover it or not.
  • If you have deactivated your profile just a minute or a few minutes before it will be restored just by logging back normally.
  • If you have selected permanent deleting options and if 14 days are over then you cannot recover it back.

Can you see others’ Profiles?

If you do not have Facebook friends, if they have deleted their profiles you can’t view their profiles. On contrary, if you are Facebook friends and they have deleted their profile, you can view it still by visiting their timeline or by clicking the option entitled “activity log.”

What does the Activity log show?

It shows all of the posts, comments, and likes that someone has made on other’s timelines or the details of messages which they have sent and received.

So it’s clear that Facebook deleted profiles can be restored by following the given steps, however, the only issue lies when you have selected the permanently delete option, and if it has crossed the time range of 14 days, only then you would not be able to recover your deleted profile.

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