How Long is an Eternity ?

How Long is an Eternity ?

Nobody understands what happens throughout eternity since it lasts forever. It has been developing for a very long time and is still ongoing. Because it lacks both length and width, it represents how far it can go in this world. We often use the term "eternal" in everyday talks to convey the idea of a very long duration. On the other hand, the word "eternal" is often used to refer to the spiritual dimension of our cosmos.

In the spiritual dimension of the world, "eternal" refers to anything that is never diminished, constantly expanding, and not bound by time. Eternity is quite different from the illusion of time and constraints, and it goes beyond our ability to comprehend on the most fundamental level.

How Long is Eternity?

When "eternity" is used, many people immediately think of the afterlife and the dichotomy between heaven and hell. The length of eternity is something that no human being has ever seen with their own eyes since it existed before birth and continues beyond death. The life we experience is just a little portion of what eternity is.

Eternity may be considered a visible but expansive form of the cosmos, which is forever growing. In Hindu mythology, the notion is referred to as Akshar Brahman, which translates to "the ultimate reality." Christianity associates this phrase with the idea of heaven and hell. According to the Bhagwad Geeta, a person who has attained the state of having their divine eyes, also known as DivyaChakshu, opened to their inner selves may sense what it is like to be an immortal soul.


Concept of Eternity


Life after death in heaven and hell


Akshar Brahman, the ultimate reality of inner self is eternity


Nirvana, ie, one who dissolves his present, future, and past attain eternity


Life beyond death in heaven and hell

To simplify things, we may say that eternity is the absence of time. Even though infinity cannot have a past or a future, it is acceptable to still refer to it as existence. This is because reality is one of time's three most important facets.

As a result of the transmission of the concept of afterlives from the Platonic tradition to the Islamic and Christian mythologies, the present core has only ephemeral significance. When we look at the Buddha's sayings, however, he describes eternity as a component of Nirvana.

Nirvana is the condition in which all temporal domains, such as the past, the present, and the future, are destroyed, and the individual attains the ultimate degree of divinity and enlightenment.

Why is Eternity Infinite?

Eternity is the condition of divine interventions that makes it possible for anything to apply to all periods with the same degree of immediacy and power. Because infinity includes all of the time, it's easy to confuse it with the closely linked concept of "always was, is, and will be," or, to put it another way, the eternal.

This is because the two concepts are so closely related. It is difficult to define how many seconds, minutes, hours, or years will contribute to one eternity since the word has its unique heavenly meaning, which makes it impossible to count.

The concept of eternity is much beyond anything the human mind can understand. This is the case because human beings can only assume that the condition we know of the soul's existence is time, which causes one's interactions with eternity to be significantly episodic and forgotten.

Eternity is associated with the experience of one's inner self-being complete. When our soul, body, heart, and intellect are in harmony with one another, we reach a state of divinity in which the passage of time seems to be an illusion. On the other hand, when translated in time as an expression, it is considered boundless since there is no way to quantify one's own enlightenment.

It is a term with a lot of historical connotations. When stated in English, concepts like eternity and completeness are strongly related to expressions such as the beginning, the ending, the middle, and others like them.

When viewed from a philosophical standpoint, however, eternity is an ageless religious concept that can be interpreted in several mythologies using several different approaches; however, all of these mythologies in some way highlight the value of the afterlife, divinity, and the essential nature of the soul.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How many years does eternity last?

If you dislike "in your face" scents but want the smell to stay, this is the fragrance for you since it lasts around four hours before reapplication is required.

  • What is a timeless eternity?

In widespread use, eternity refers to unending, limitless duration or the property, state, or reality of being everlasting or eternal. However, classical philosophy describes eternity as timeless or outside of time, while sempiternity refers to an unlimited length.

  • Does eternity imply forever?

Eternity implies "forever," as living for all eternity. Or it might refer to anything that lasts forever, such as waiting an eternity for your sister to exit the restroom.


The idea of eternity has been interpreted in various ways by many societies and faiths throughout history. But they all have one thing in common: the divine soul work we have to undertake for ourselves. This is the case with all of them.

These myths do not specify how long it takes to do it; some describe it as labor to be done in the hereafter, while others define it as work to be done on one's inner self throughout one's lifetime. In light of this, to piece together the many myths, no set amount of time can define eternity. It is unbounded and unending, much like the universe we find ourselves living in.

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