Difference Between Spider Web and Cobweb

Difference Between Spider Web and Cobweb


When it comes to spiders there is a common misconception that roams around in the world. This misconception is about the types of the web that are created by the spiders. People say there is no difference between spider web and cobweb. However, there is a very significant difference between the two kinds of webs. Not only the structure of the web is different, the species that produces each kind of web is also different.

In this article, readers will observe salient features of different webs. We will enlighten the audience with some of the facts related to spiders. Along with this, readers will find the main difference between spider web and cobwebs.

Facts about spiders:

There are two main categories of the spider one is web builders and the other is the hunter. Web builder is the one that creates a silk-like thread and knits it in the shape of the web. These spider's intricate web is in a place that is small and where there is a lack of air. This makes it easy for the spiders to capture their prey in their webs. We can find these spiders in dark places like basements or cellars. They are commonly found in our houses.


On the other hand, hunter spiders as the name implies, hunt other insects on the ground. The size of these spiders is big as compared to web builders. Some of these spiders are also poisonous.


What is Spider Web?

We are not unfamiliar with spider webs. Every other day, in the corner of the house, we see a spider web. Spiders keep looking for the right spot that remains untouched, less in contact with other creatures, and of course dusty. Spider web is very delicate that is why spiders keep them hidden.


Basements are the best spot where you will find spiders webs. Other than this, garages can also be full of webs. A traditional spider web is composed of radial and silk-like structures. It is so sensitive that a small blow of air can tear the web apart. This web is sticky that is why once an insect touch it, can’t leave it and this is the reason it remains stuck with the surface where the web was created.

 The spiral design of the spider web captures and sustains bugs, flies, and insects in it. In the adventurous movies, we often observe, a person running in the jungle gets stuck in a white sticky net. That is a spider web.

What is a Cobweb?

The main feature that separates cobweb with spider web is that cobweb is three dimensional. It is said that all cobwebs are categorized as spider web but not all spider webs are cobwebs. It is a spider web that is quite old. It is the web that is not the home of any spider.


 In other words, spiders leave the webs while shifting from one place to another. Hence, cobwebs are the ones that are abandoned by their creator spiders. It has the same sticky nature as regular spider webs.

These webs are found in the ceilings especially in the corners. Because these are the areas that are hard to reach or clean. After a while, these webs become a source of catching dust and insects. The design of cobwebs is very inconsistent, unlike ordinary spider web.


It is created with the pure intentions of the spiders. The family of spiders that creates cobwebs is Theridiidae. In spooky movies’ haunted houses, webs are used as a prop to indicate the age of the house. That web is a cobweb and it is also giving a piece of evidence that these are the webs that are old, dusty, and uninhibited by the spiders.

Difference between Spider web and Cobweb


Spider Web


Produced by

The families of spiders that produce this web are Araneidae, Nephilidae, Tertagnathidae.

The family of spiders that produces this web is Theridiidae.

Found in

Commonly found in dark places e.g. basements.

In a house, places which are hard to clean e.g. ceilings.

Used by

These webs are used by spiders presently.

These webs are abandoned by the spiders.


It is a two-dimensional web.

It is a three-dimensional web.

Silk type

It depends upon the species of the spider.

The silk found in these webs is ampulated silk.

Web type

The webs in this category are spiral orb web, funnel, tabular, and tent web.

The webs in this category are sheet, gum, and footed webs,

Look at the web

The web in this category looks elegant and simple in appearance.

The web in this category looks tangled and irregular in shape.



In the end, we would like to conclude by saying that cobwebs and spider webs both are produced by different categories of spiders that give different kinds of silk. There are some similarities as well but on the whole, the difference between a spider web and a cobweb is pretty much distinct.

Spider web is elegant and found outdoors while cobweb is irregular in shape that is found indoors. Other than this, there are some other differences also that are mentioned above for the convenience of the reader.



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