Difference between Atrial fibrillation and Ventricular fibrillation

Difference between Atrial fibrillation and Ventricular fibrillation

Difference between Atrial fibrillation and Ventricular fibrillation



The major purpose of the heart is to pump blood all over the body. There are four valves in the heart and if there is a blockage in any valve of the heart it can lead to stroke, heart attack, and blockage of blood vessels which cause clotting. A healthy connection to the body in a synchronized way. The heart sends an electric signal to the brain which causes all parts to work together. Both in V-fib and A-fib, the electric signal generated from the heart becomes chaotic which prevents the heart to connect with body parts.

In A-fib, the heartbeat or rhythm becomes irregular although it is not immediately life-threatening, in V-fib the heart stops pumping the blood which is a medical emergency and can lead to sudden death. The reader should read this article till the end to prevent these medical emergencies.




Atrial fibrillation (A-fib):

The heart is one large organ comprised of four valves or chambers. If the fibrillation occurs in the upper two valves then it is “Atrial fibrillation”. In a healthy heart, blood flows from the upper two valves to the lower two valves “from atrial to ventricles” and then from lower valves to the body. In atrial fibrillation, the upper two valves stop pumping the blood to the lower valves which causes the blood to flow passively, although the veins are not empty.

The A-fib is not immediately life-threatening but on longer notice, it can lead to serious medical conditions if not treated properly, which can cause heart attack, stroke, and blood vessel blockage. When the blood does not flow at the required temperature it leads to clotting and causes blood vessel blockage, stroke, limb, and organ damage.

The life expectancy of a person who is treated for A-fib normal is quit everything that causes that emergency and live a healthy life but for a person who still do not quite unhealthy things (like alcohol intakes or poorly maintained metabolism) that cause the medical emergency then there is no future for that person. Following are symptoms people experienced before A-fib:

  • Shortness of breath
  • Blurry vision
  • Heart Palpitation
  • Anxiety  




Ventricular fibrillation (V-fib):

Ventricular fibrillation is a cause in the lower two valves. V-fib is an irregular or disorderly movement of the electric signal in the heart ventricles. In return heart ventricle stop pumping the blood into the body. V-fib is a medical emergency because the heart stops pumping the blood into the body and if it is not treated immediately it can cause sudden death. To treat the heart that is experiencing the V-fib is to give a shock to the heart through a defibrillator. If the shock is given on time it can revert heart rhythm to normal or healthy rhythm. If you have experienced V-fib more than once or you have a heart condition that puts you at high risk then your doctor will suggest you ICD.

ICD is a device that is implanted in your chest wall and leads connected to your heart. From then it will continuously monitor your heart's electrical movement and if it detects any irregular movement it will send a quick shock to the heart to make things back to a normal rhythm.

According to a Swedish study, the overall one-month survival of a patient outside the hospital is 9.5 percent. If the treatment is done on time the survival rate is 50 percent and if it is 15 minutes late the survival rate drops to 5 percent. The people who survive V-fib may suffer lifelong damages or even enter into a coma. The most common symptoms of V-fib are fainting and sudden collapse because the muscle and brain have stopped receiving blood from the heart. Following are some symptoms people experienced about an hour before V-fib:

  • Accelerated heartbeat
  • Dizziness
  • Pain in the chest
  • Nausea (feeling of vomiting)


Difference between A-fib and V-fib



It occurs in the upper two valves of the heart

It occurs in the lower two valves of the heart

If not treated on time it can cause stroke or heart attack

If not treated on time it can cause sudden death

Shortness of breath and blurry vision are major symptoms

Accelerated heartbeat and pain in the chest are major symptoms

The survivor can suffer organ damage

The survivor may suffer long term damages or even a coma

It can be treated by electrical shock

It can be treated by open-heart surgery






A healthy lifestyle can prevent you from both A-fib and V-fib. Avoid high cholesterol food items. Avoid food items with a high-fat percentage. Make a healthy diet routine, exercise on daily basis. Try to stay away from smoking and alcohol. Hopefully, after reading this article the reader will get a chance to enhance their knowledge and to take the right precautions at the right time to save their life.    


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