The Difference between Scramble & Best Ball

The Difference between Scramble & Best Ball


What is Scramble?

Scramble is also known as Captain’s choice in which all player hits a tee shot & then they select the best shot so that all players will hit from that spotted position. All golfers redo the procedure again up until the ball gets into the hole. Moreover, you can never play from the spot you hit your shot to. It keeps the pace of the game moving making it a more fair game in comparison to a round of golf.

Scramble is more fun for people because it allows players to play from new locations & this is something that excites people. However, on the contrary, if you are an established player you will love to see your play on the golf course then this time scramble is not a good choice. 

What is Best Ball ?

The best ball game is different from scramble here every player will play their round of golf however they count the best score at the end of the hole, therefore it is named as Best Ball. There are two choices; you can either play the best ball gross tournament or the best ball net tournament. The net game includes handicaps while the gross game does not. Expert players always choose Best Ball as it gives them free hand to play their own game from a tee shot to the green hole.

Identify the difference in rules of both games, See in the table below:



                      Rules for best ball

                     Rules for Scramble

Best ball doesn’t mean choosing the best ball from the group rather it means to choose the best score from the group.


In Scramble, you will play a tee drive to the hole, the best will be selected and now all players will play shot from that location of the best shot.


Best Ball rules allow every player to play the complete hole from beginning to end.

Scramble rules & patterns are distinct to the best ball. In the scramble, you cannot play your golf round the whole time.



Best ball formats will have both gross and net scores however it is hard to find if a handicap is accurate, so that’s the reason sometimes net scores are not part of the event.




 Scramble format use gross scores as net.


The lowest score is counted at the end of the hole.


This process will repeat subsequently until the ball enters the hole.


If everyone in the group makes 5 & you make 4 your score will be considered.


Usually, the scramble format requires two drives from each links man

The concept behind is that if you don’t play some different drives from others, then one golfer could command the entire match

If you take 5 physical shots for the hole your score for the hole will be 5.


You can also add variations to the scramble by adding any new rule to make it more interesting, such that each golfer must contribute at least 4 drives to an overall score, this will challenge players to show off their strengths by applying different gaming tactics, this fascinates everyone.


 To sum up, People often confuse Best Ball and Scramble they consider Scramble as Selecting the “best ball.”Best Ball is a team game that aims to give space to the individual player to play a free game, fun for expert players where they can make their golf rounds from varied locations from tee to green. So, a golfer has to show his potential by applying various golf techniques to uplift his team scores. On Contrary, the scramble is a team game format usually played for outings, and fundraisings as it allows everyone to put a ball in the fairway. Scramble players can be new golfers or inexperienced players, they can move onward & hit a shot if it doesn’t make out it doesn’t matter, another member of the team can fill in. It’s not wrong to say that Best Ball is a game for experienced players however Scramble is a gateway for new & untrained golfers.


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